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Queen's Milk- April

For black people in particular, breastfeeding offers important benefits for ailments that overwhelmingly diminish our health or cut short our lives. For example, exclusive breastfeeding is one of the only proven actions a mother can take to protect herself against the most aggressive forms of breast cancer, which affect black women at disproportionately high rates.

My Darling Doula has partnered with local black breastfeeding parents from the Queen City, to celebrate and promote what is a crucial life-saving, life-affirming, and loving practice that is a part of our human legacy.

Meet Queen Mother April...

Name: April Drakeford Smith

Gender expression (preferred pronouns)? Female

Occupation: Teacher

Child's name? Jace Smith

Age of child? 19 months

How long have you been breastfeeding? 19 months



Fametta Darling

Certified Holistic Doula

Tel: 704-255-5132

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