Placenta Medicine
In our current model of healthcare, there is quite a bit of emphasis put on prenatal care and preparing for the birth itself, but the postpartum period, is often neglected. However, in many cultures around the world, incorporating the placenta as medicine, is an important part of the postpartum recovery.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners and herbalist, have utilized the placenta as a healing remedy for thousands of years. The placenta is considered a powerful and sacred medicine – a ‘full of life force’ organ that should be consumed to support healing after birth. ​

($270 for MDD Doula Clients)
Service Descriptions
The method of placenta preparation used, is Inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine and follows the preparation of lightly steaming the placenta before dehydration. Organic ingredients are steamed together with the placenta to help aid in digestion, and promote warming for the mother/birth parent. The placenta is then thinly sliced, dehydrated, and ground into a fine powder. The powder is then placed into capsules.
Traditional method Benefits:
Dehydrating the placenta, sustains essential nutrients and make the beneficial properties of the placenta more available.
Steaming first will destroy any viruses or pathogens that might be present, making it safer for consumption.
Increased energy after birth, combats fatigue
Helps increase milk production and nutritional quality of the milk
Can curb postpartum depression and “baby blues”
Improved sleep
Provides natural iron supplementation after birth
Balances hormones
Replenishes your body's nutrients and is a natural paikiller
Placenta Tincture $40
(Only available with purchase of encapsulation services)
Placenta tinctures are another way to utilize the beneficial components of your placenta. A tincture is made by taking a very small portion of the placenta and placing it in high grade drinking alcohol. This mixture is then kept in a cool, dark environment for 6 weeks. The final product is a very potent tincture. It can have more alcohol added in the future to continue the beneficial properties. Placenta tincture is useful for hormonal balancing and in extending your placenta therapy.
Complete instructions are provided when services are rendered.
​​Placenta Art Prints $25
Similar to watercolor prints. They are beautiful keepsakes of “The Tree of Life” that sustained your baby during pregnancy. All prints are safely archived on acid-free paper. Available upon request.
Placenta Smoothie $25
Enjoy a delicious smoothie shortly after birth, prepared and consumed within 24 hours of the placenta’s delivery. The smoothie is made of a palm-sized piece of fresh placenta (the rest can be prepared into capsules or other remedies), a handful of fresh organic berries of choice, 1whole banana, an organic apple and spring water OR send us your favorite smoothie recipe and we'll turn it into your customized placenta smoothie, for only $5 extra.
Umbilical Keepsakes
Each keepsake is a small piece of the umbilical cord dehydrated into either a spiral, letter of the baby's first name, or heart shape.
Prenatal consultation and logistics planning
Pick up and drop off services
All materials and supplies
Approximately 80-125 prepared placenta capsules
Placenta preparation and encapsulation
Umbilical cord keepsake
30 minute postpartum visit to discuss dosage, storage, and self-care
If you live outside of Mecklenburg County, there is an additional fee for time and mileage. You can avoid an extra fee by arranging your own transportation with us. Shipping is also an option.